
Fajar Pages💫

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

About Me

Hi, I'm Mochammad Alfajjar, usually called Fajar. I'm from East Java, Indonesia 🇮🇩.

I am a vocational high school student, majoring in computer and network engineering. I have an interest in the world of programming, especially web programming

I active participate in training, teaching, and learning communities. I also managed to get competency certificate. Show my certificate.

To get to know me better, you can connect on my LinkedIn, or my Telegram. You can also contact me via this pagepages fajar contact.

About Fajar Pages

Fajar Pages is a website created in December 2023. I made this website as a personal record of what I have done, be it my project or other things.

Hopefully this website can be useful for all of you; Hopefully we can work together to advance this beloved country through programming or other things related to tecnology.

I Personally apologize profusely if there are any mistakes, because I am also still in the learning stage.

If you have questions or want to convey criticism and suggestions, you can send a message to LinkedIn or Telegram.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.